Students will not have homework for the last two weeks of school.
Library books and textbooks are due. Report cards will not be sent home without books being returned/paid for. Students in Mrs. Harley's homeroom received fine sheets if they have books out. Please check your child's book bag/homework folder.
Please send in any missing record information (birth certificate, immunization forms, etc.). These requests were sent out the first week in May. They are due on May 16th.
First section of GMAS will be tomorrow!
樱花动漫work for 4/22-4/26
This week, students will be learning about the three branches of government and the responsibilities of each branch. We will be reading and writing about this topic in class. Students may review this topic at home using the following sites:
Students may take notes, create graphic organizers, produce informational writing pieces, or draw pictures to show what they have learned. Any work completed may be turned in to Mrs. Harley at the end of the week.
樱花动漫work for 4/1-4/5 (Updated 4/1/19 at 3:43)
Students will prepare for their Colonial America test this Friday. A study guide was sent home on 4/1/19. Students will complete the study guide, check their work (answers on back), and review. This sheet will be kept in the homework folders and will not be taken up. Students will NOT need to memorize the location of each colony, but they should be familiar with the names.
樱花动漫work for 3/27 (updated on 3/27 at 3:54)
Students will answer the following prompt:
Which colonial region would you like to live in? Explain why you would like to live in that region using facts from your notes (C. Williams and Salmons HR) and information from the Assignments tab.
樱花动漫work for 3/18-3/22
Due to Wednesday and Thursday being early release days, 3rd grade students will NOT have social studies or science homework.
Resources have been placed under Assignments for students to use throughout this unit to study.
樱花动漫work for 3/6
Students will bring home an informational passage with questions on Wednesday. This will be due on Thursday. Students will have a short assessment over fossils on Friday (3/8).
樱花动漫work for 2/25-3/1
This week, students will begin learning about rocks and minerals. Students will go on a rock hunt and learn how to determine the types of minerals found in a particular rock.
On Monday, students will be given a study guide to place in their binders. They should review this study guide each night to prepare for the unit test on Friday, March 8th. This assessment will cover rocks and minerals, as well as fossils (we will cover this topic next week). Soil information (previously covered) will also be on this assessment and included on the review sheet.
On Wednesday, students will be given a practice test to take at home. Students can use the study guide to help with answering the practice test.
This will be checked in class on Thursday. Students will keep the practice test and study guide in their binders to review. Don't foget to view the Assignments tab for additional study materials!
There was a slight issue with students getting the study guide and practice test due to me only seeing them one time between Monday-Wednesday. Mrs. C.Williams' homeroom did not receive their study guides yet but they will receive them tomorrow. Ms. Salmon's HR did not receive the practice tests yet but we will go over them tomorrow and they will bring them home to review.
Students will be able to use the study guides with their assessment.
Week of 2/18-2/22
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Students will take home a study guide to begin reviewing for Friday's test. Students can also view the study resources found under Assignments. Students should also review homework sheets and the vocabulary sheet that was previously sent home.
Wednesday-Thursday- Students will continue to review for Friday's test using the study guide that was sent home on Tuesday.
Friday- All students will take a unit assessment over early European exploration.
Students will read about the relationship between European Explorers and Native Americans. After reading, students will answer questions about the passage in complete sentences. This is due on 2/14. Social Studies homework should also be written in agendas. I have given all students without an agenda a week-by-week version to place in their binders.
On Wednesday, students will be reading about a famous explorer and answering comprehension questions. Students will also complete a writing prompt. This prompt should be answered in at least 7-10 sentences. Otherwise it will be considered incomplete. This assignment will not be sent home until Wednesday. It is due on Thursday.
I have created a folder with additional study materials found in the Assignments section.
Please remember that the Signed Papers Folder goes home every Thursday. Please sign, view the papers, and return folder and all included papers (except for flyers) back to school on Friday.
樱花动漫work for 1/27-2/1
This week, we will begin our unit on early European exploration. Students will complete a reading passage and question homework assignment on Wednesday night. This will be due on Thursday. Throughout the week, students should access additional study materials under the Assignments tab.
The homework sheet for social studies will not be sent home until Wednesday.
樱花动漫work for 1/23-1/24
Students will bring home a plastic test tube. Students will collect a soil sample from home (yard, garden, around bushes, etc.). Sandy soil, clay soil, and loamy soil all make great soil samples! After collecting the soil sample, students will answer questions pertaining to the sample. Students will then bring the soil sample and COMPLETED question sheet to class on Thursday. Students will meet in small groups to compare the soil samples.
Students will not bring home the plastic test tube or question sheet until Wednesday.
樱花动漫work for 1/10
Students will read a passage about the Scientific Method. Students will underline each step of the Scientific Method (7 steps total). After reading and underlining, students will answer 3 questions found at the bottom of the homework sheet. This will be due on Thursday, Jan. 10th.
Students may also view resources linked under Assignments- Soil and Scientific Method.
樱花动漫work for 12/17-12/20
Students will not need to bring in shirts.
樱花动漫work for 12/12
Students will write at least 6 sentences using this prompt:
Think of something that you threw out yesterday. Explain how you could have used that item to make something new. This writing piece will be turned in on Thursday. Students should write in complete sentences. If the lines on the printed sheet are too small, then students may write on notebook paper.
Please check under Assignments for addtional study resources.
Students will be bringing home a Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle homework activity sheet. Students and their parents will work together to find ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. This sheet will be due on Friday, December 7th. All sheets must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Also, students may review any information covered in class using the Assignments tab.
樱花动漫work for 11/26-11/30
Over the next 4 weeks your child will be learning about pollution and conservation. On Thursday, we will be completing a quick lab showing how one small piece of trash per person can create a huge impact on our water sources. I am asking for each student to bring a small object from home which they would not want to see in a place they might swim. These objects are called pollutants. Some examples may be: paper cup, newspaper clipping, small toy car, small rubber ball, soda can, small zip lock bag, candy wrappers, plastic shopping bag, styrofoam cup/plate, etc. Please bring in this item on Thursday. If students have the item ready before Thursday, then he/she can keep it in a zip lock bag in his/her book bag.
Students can use online resources and resources in their folders to review American Indian topics and information.
There will be no written homework for social studies this week.
樱花动漫work for 11/5-11/9
Monday-Tuesday- Students may view resources under Assignments.
Wednesday- Students will read a passage about Totem Poles. Students will take notes as they read answering the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, and why). This will be due on Thursday.
Thursday- Students may view resources under Assignments.
樱花动漫work for 10/22-10/26
Maps and QR codes will be sent home on 10/22. These are additional study resources and will not be turned in for homework. Students will have a map labeling quiz on Friday. Students will need to be able to locate the region and American Indian tribe on a blank map. There are also several links/videos that can be viewed under the Assignments tab.
Science and Social Studies homework will be sent home on Wednesday. It will be due on Thursday. Please check student agendas on Thursday to see if your child turned in his/her homework for my class.
樱花动漫work for Social Studies will be given on Wednesdays and due on Thursdays.
10/17- Students will read about American Indians and then answer accompanying questions. DUE ON 10/18.
Students can review information throughout the week using my Assignments page beginning on Monday 10/15.
Also, students have been given a QR code resource and a map listing all American Indian regions that they are expected to learn. Both papers can be found in student homework folders by 10/17.
Don't forget to check your child's agenda daily.
樱花动漫work for 10/1-10/5
All habitat projects are due Tuesday, October 2nd. Late projects can be turned in unitl Friday, October 5th. Points will be deducted. NO projects will be taken after October 5th.
Students received an information paper about this project last Monday. Students may complete a diorama, PowerPoint, or poster about one of Georgia's five geographic regions. More information can be found on my Assignments page.
樱花动漫work for 9/24-10/1
Monday-Monday Students will begin working on their habitat projects. They will have a choice of creating a diorama, poster, or PowerPoint presentation about ONE of Georgia's 5 geographical regions. Students will be bringing home an information sheet about the project, as well as a rubric. I have linked several examples and research information sites on my website under Assignments. This project is due on Tuesday, October 2nd.
Remember Tuesday (9/25) is Skate Night at Skateland of Augusta. $5.00 per student. The time is 6:00-8:00.
If possible, please bring in large and/or small coffee cans for a class project.
樱花动漫work for 9/17-9/21
Monday- View slides about habitats of GA
Tuesday- Complete booklet pages using slides about habitats of GA. Cut out the booklet pages. Review booklet.