• mathematician
    Name Theresa Thompson
    Email: thompth@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
    Grade(s): 1-5 Ace classes 
     706 737-7320 Jenkins-White and 706 737-7219 Wilkinson Gardens
    Please join my remind.com for open communication
    In your text messages you need to dial the number 81010 and then 
    Message the code:    @aceclassg

  • I am excited about teaching Ace this year! I have been teaching for 23 years in Richmond County and look forward to engaging students in hands-on activities to broaden their knowledge. I have a Masters and Bachelor's Degree in Education. If you have any questions or concerns, please join my remind.com to communicate with me or email me at thompth@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us

    Thank you! 

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    WAG 8-21

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  • Math- Student  On-line Text book:

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    Password- Pride1
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