

Degrees and Certifications:

Welcome to Mrs. Coble's World History


Our 2020-2021 school year will likely be very different from previous ones, but our goals are the same. We want to prepare our students for graduation as well as success beyond high school.


At this time, we are working to put together online modules for instruction that we can use in the classroom or from home. We will be using the Canvas platform for all our class resources, whether we are meeting in person or face to face. I will post links to these, and to Canvas email when they are ready.


For now, please use my email with any questions or concerns.


I also use REMIND, a group messaging app. Parents and students are welcome to join my class for announcements, reminders of due dates or test dates, and general information about class. This will especially come in handy if we are not sure how long we will be meeting face-to-face or online, as I will give you updates as soon as I get them myself. 


     For World History,  text this class code:  @d8fe76 to this number: 81010


     For AP World History: Modern, text this class code:  @6497af to this number: 81010


A video welcome for parents and students, in lieu of a face-to-face Open House, is here:  


This year will be what we make it! I will do everything I can to create the conditions for your student's success, and hope they will embrace it.