TOK II STUDENTS - SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS 2024READ ALL OF THE WORDS, DO ALL OF THE THINGSResources for the Extended Essay3/29/20 at 2:15pm - READ ALL THESE WORDS. ALL OF THEM.*Presentations are being scheduled as I write this message.*We will use Zoom. You will receive a link. I have two scheduled for tomorrow so if there are tech issues I can work them out.*If you have made last-minute revisions, I will need you to send me your final version before your present.*Presentations will really kick in Tues-Wed-Thur-Fri.*I will have you on one laptop and your presentation on my other one.*Use a laptop or computer, rather than a phone, if at all possible.*Check your email regularly.*And text me directly at my number if you have questions. It's just more efficient than Remind at this point.3/26/20 at 5:20pm - READ ALL THESE WORDS. ALL OF THEM.
Here is the procedure for completing the presentations:
- Submit your presentation to me at coachbradberry1@gmail.com – so far 7 of you have not as of 5:00 on 3/26. It was due to me on 3/23 by midnight.
- I will give you some brief feedback, and if I suggest changes, you have 24 hours to make them and submit a revision. My goal is to give everyone some initial feedback by Sunday March 29.
- Then I will give you an initial score in Infinite Campus.
- Once I tell you directly, you may begin completing your sections of the PPD in ManageBac. So far that is only 3-4 of you.
- Beginning on Monday March 30, you will be scheduled to give your presentation to me via FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype. The order will be in the order in which I received the presentation. I will send that out separately, but if I’ve given you a preliminary score already then you will be among the first to go.
3/24/20 - I will be giving you a preliminary score of 0-10 based on the presentation you have sent, with some brief comments. Again, the scoring rubric is here, and my score will be based on that with the understanding that you haven't actually given your presentation - yet. Working on that - stay tuned.3/23/20 - Presentations are due tonight by 11:59pm. Of the four I've received, only one is even close to being acceptable. You have numerous resources below. I have sent you a screenshot of your ultimate goal. You have the scoring rubric. Accomplish what I know you're able to accomplish!3/16/20 -*Presentations will be due to me on Monday March 23rd as originally planned.**NEW EMAIL! - Your presentation should be emailed to me at coachbradberry1@gmail.comI created this email specifically for these circumstances. DO NOT USE any other email to submit your presentations.***STAY TUNED FOR INFORMATION ON COMPLETING YOUR PPD FORMS IN MANAGEBACResources for the TOK Presentation- excellent resources, advice, guidance for the TOK Presentation.How to Structure a TOK Presentation - by Tim WoodsTOK Presentation and Essay Assessment Instruments - read, see. 64 for presentation mark scheme- All You Need To Know VideoHow America Lost Faith In Expertise - read and complete the assignment to discuss and turn in by Wed (gold) and Thur (purple)Resources for the TOK EssayMay 2020 TOK Essay "Cookbook" - courtesy of Johan Autio
TOK Knowledge Framework - absolutely work through this once you choose your AOKs for your TOK Essay.- excellent resources, advice, guidance for the TOK Essay. AOKs have direct links to the Knowledge Framework in addition to articles, speeches and other resources.Sample TOK Essays from IB- Journal Entry (CA - 8/22) - Compare the vision of Plato's cave presented in the video with how you imagined the cave while reading. What is similar? Different? Did the video contribute to your understanding of the allegory? Why or why not? Did the video clarify anything from the assignment that was unclear? What AOKs and WOKs are most prevalent in the allegory? Briefly explain.Sophie's World - full text pdf. Be sure you have it downloaded and accessible at home and in class.