From the Athletic Director
Our school strives to offer as many sports as possible to both male and female students. All Athletic programs will stress academic success, physical fitness, character development, discipline, and good sportsmanship. Our athletes represent our school and community and are expected to be student leaders with positive behavior. Students who use alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs, those who have behavior or attendance problems, or violate other training rules as set by their coach, may lose their opportunity to participate.
In order for athletes to participate in daily practices and/or games, they must be present for at least four consecutive periods that day. Students must also complete a satisfactory medical examination during each academic school year in which they plan to participate.
Lawrence M. Kelly
Athletic Director/ Business Manager
Physical Education Department Chair
Head Varsity Boys' Basketball Coach
Cross Creek High School
3855 Old Waynesboro Rd.
Augusta, GA 30906