
    Welcome! I am so glad you have chosen to participate in the orchestra, IB Music, or Tri-M Music Honor Society at ARC. We have many exciting things planned for this year. I am excited about working with you this year! Login to Canvas to find assignments and resources for this year. You can also visit the Richmond County Orchestra website  to view previous and current concerts and events. 




    Amy Ellington

    Amy Ellington

    Orchestra & IB Music Teacher

    Tri-M Music Honor Society Sponsor


    Remind Code: @a927dg6 (ARC Orchestra);  @6hg493a (RCO HS)

    BMus in Music Therapy from University of Georgia,

    MM in Music Therapy from University of Georgia,

    K-12 Music Teacher Certification from University of Georgia,

    MEd in Counselor Education from Augusta University,

    Ed.S. in Advanced Educational Studies from Augusta University